The activities include multidisciplinary engineering services for the drafting by qualified specialists of the…
Thanks gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the Industrial Engineering Services S.r.l. website.
The bulk material handling sector is one of the most dynamic in the world. Almost all the process equipments in a plant need to be connected each other with conveying system or to be fed by reliable storage and dosing systems.At Industrial Engineering Services we continuously improve because it can bring the best out of us; helping us strive further to provide our valued customers with continuous improvement to their plants and at any time. We are motivated to remain an innovative partner, going beyond our customers’ expectations proving them the best solutions to obtain the greatest reliability for plants and its related systems.
Clients sometimes outsource their engineering work to IES , allowing them to focus on their core competencies. We not only solve unique engineering challenges, we manage the day by day engineering routine that, in most of the cases, many clients can no longer complete in house.
We appreciate the ongoing support received from those who are interested in IES activities and pledge to continue in our efforts to exceed expectations.
Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We will appreciate any feedback in order to improve our performance
Dr. Marcello Allocca
C.E.O. & Market Development
Optimization of Combustion
Although the national and European political-strategic agenda was by now directed towards decarbonization scenarios to be concluded within a…FGD Gypsum Conveying
Truck receiving station and conveying systems. As well known gypsum, not being a free-flowing material , tends to be…METAL SCRAPS AND SHAVINGS / CHIPS CONVEYING SYSTEMS
Metal Scraps from sheet forming and shavings from machining operation on iron, steel or aluminum parts are a very…Reverse Engineering
In all the cases when the missing of documentation or drawings doesn’t permit to simply buy spare parts or…Inspection on site
IES provides the main contractors with Shop Inspection for inspecting items at their place of manufacture before delivery. This…Special equipment design
When the industry does not offer standard equipment or accessories necessary for Client's projects or when we think a…CAPEX and OPEX estimation
As completion of a feasibility study , IES can provide the Client with a detailed scope of supply for …Internal tests on bulk materials
In order to define the real behavior of bulk materials before to start with process design and the selection…Performance improvement of existing systems
It’s frequent today to find owners and operators of production facilities looking for ways to improve the performance of…Logic specification and description
When involved in the plant process, IES can provide PFD and P&ID diagram as well as logica functional description…O&M manuals
A draft version of the document should be provided for the client as part of the handover procedure prior to certifying practical completion…Thermal and fluido dynamic analysis
Thermal and fluid dynamic analysis can be provided by IES for special cooling , heating or drying equipment.Project Management
Complete or partial assistance for plant construction can be provided by expertsTechnical specification, procurement activities
When requested by the Client , IES team can provide expert assistance in the preparation of technical specification as…Risk evaluation
IES can provide a risk evaluation analysis in accordance with norms and regulations in course of validity.Process design
It is a part of Basic Engineering Package and it contains the minimum information Process and Utility Flow Diagrams…Plant layout
It is a part of Basic Engineering Package and it contains the minimum information: Hazard Study Data and Area…Process optimization
When a existing process plant is not satisfactory for the operators , IES can provide its assistance for a…

The Power generation sector is one of the most important one for the development of…

According to the needs to reduce emissions we have designed several plants and sub-systems for…

The cement production sector is undergoing a deep crisis in Italy. In this sector ,…

The sensitivity to environmental issues considerably enhanced in recent years and even more in recent…

The flat glass is mainly used in the construction industry both civil and industrial. IES…

In Italy the chemical industry is concentrated in the North of the country, close to…